Say Hello
Getting in touch is sometimes the biggest hurdle and I understand how scary it can be, so don't feel you have to be absolutely ready to book an appointment, if you just want some more information that's fine. Either mail me, complete the contact form or call and leave a message. For confidentiality, if you don't leave a message requesting a response, will not call you back.
You can also text, WhatsApp or reach out on Signal.
Session costs
Zoom sessions are £50 ​
In person sessions are £65.
30 minute chat sessions through WhatsApp or the Signal app are £30.
A limited number of reduced cost, sessions are also available.
Before you book any online or in person sessions we will arrange a time for free 20 minute introduction on Zoom to make sure I can help and that you are comfortable working with me. ​
Level four and five student counsellors requiring therapy hours to complete their course will be charged £40 for online sessions and £50 in person.
I will invoice you after our session and payments are generally made via bank transfer. I am also happy to keep cash in circulation for in person therapy.
Current availability:​
I have a very limited number of weekly online /phone sessions available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Unfortunately I have no regular face to face appointments available. If you would like to be waitlisted for future availability please contact me with the times that you would prefer.
Adhoc and one off sessions can usually be accommodated.
If you are in crisis please don't wait for counselling, please contact The Samaritans who are available at all times or, if you prefer to use chat messenger text SHOUT to 85258. Shout is also available 24/7.
Last update 19/01/25